Legal Notice

Carl Rönisch
Pianofortemanufaktur GmbH

Registered office:
Ganghoferstraße 2a
D-04289 Leipzig

Head office/factory:
Dechwitzer Straße 12
D-04463 Großpösna

Tel.: +49 (0)34297 - 75144
Fax: +49 (0)34297 - 75150

Commercial Register of the Local Court of Leipzig, HRB 25626
VAT identification number: DE 269076511
Tax number: 235/107/03863

CEO: Dr. Christian Blüthner-Haessler
Managing director: Frank Kattein

Responsibility for the content of this website according to § 6 MDStV: Frank Kattein  

Photos: Frank Kattein, Peter Franke, Christine Barnahàzi, Jürgen Auge
Text: Frank Kattein, Jürgen Auge
Design: Jürgen Auge
Programming: Ronny Schmidt

The information on this site is for general information only and does not represent advice. The information is carefully updated and supplemented. Nevertheless we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data provided, since possible changes and updates occurring in the meantime cannot be excluded. The reproduction or distribution of information contained on this website, as well as the use of photos without the prior written consent of the responsible person named above is prohibited. Personal information that you provide to us during your visit to our website will be stored solely to process your request in compliance with data protection legislation.